You know you've been in Baghdad too long if:
(This dates back to August 2004, but a lot of it is still relevant.)
- You start to think "it's not so bad here"
- You say "this place sort of grows on you"
- You say "it's not the humidity, it's the heat" (for Houston residents only)
- You say, "it feels cooler today" and find out that the temperature is 105
- The term "trailer trash" is a term of endearment
- You think "DVD Mista" is a friendly greeting
- You call your tent (trailer if you're lucky) 'home'
- A "weekend" lasts from 0730 to 1200 on Friday
- You get excited at the idea of ICE
- You don't jump when a door slams or someone drops something
- You aren't alarmed when every second person you see has a gun...or two...or three
- You kick the M-16 on the floor aside without a second thought when you sit down to eat in the Dining Facility.
- A Gloc or 9 mm on a lady's hip is considered sexy
- Mortars and rockets sounds are "okay" compared to Vehicle bombs (IED's)
- You can measure distances based on explosion sounds
- "Scoring" means you acquired a new weapon
- You go to Fallujah and Mosul for R&R
- You are soothed by the sounds of helicopters flying six feet over your trailer
- You automatically get down on your hands and knees in the dirt to inspect the underside of your car, even when you are wearing a suit or skirt
- Bullet holes in cars are no longer alarming
- Car selections consist of "hard" or "soft", not Cadillac or Mercedes
- Road trips consist of 6 vehicles and large caliber weapons
- Driving on the sidewalk is normal
- Driving on the wrong side of a divided four lane street is normal
- Driving 60 mph through a bustling street market is considered prudent
- Hit-and-run fender benders are treated as mere warnings
- Riding in a hot Humvee is preferred to an air-conditioned soft car
- You get upset that you don't get C-130 Frequent Flyer Miles
- Your carry-on luggage includes a flack jacket and helmet
- You enjoy waiting 45 minutes for the toilets to refill
- You start believing that Deodorant should be a personal choice
- KBR buzz cuts begin to look stylish
- "Texas Barriers" are something other than a device to keep Texans out
- "Jersey Barriers" are something other than fences to keep Holsteins away from Jerseys
- You begin to believe that project construction being blown up only twice a week is progress
- You get excited with the presence of clouds
- You know ten times as many South Africans as you've ever known before
- The security guards are Ghurka or South African and you know them
- Afrikaans at the pool is normal
- You look forward to Mohammad's Mango ice cream as the treat for the day
- Powdered eggs taste ok
- You consider plastic ware the Palace China
- You can distinguish inherent qualities of various plastic utensils
- The quality of the plastics utensils becomes a hot dinner topic
- Having to separate plastic plates causes you undue stress
- Lettuce for your salad becomes a luxury
- Scamming a 3rd can of soda makes you feel like you got even with someone
- You are putting on weight because the Saddam's Revenge Diet no longer works
- Going to another mess hall is an adventure
- You think desert combat boots look great with a dark blue suit or shorts
- Sand between your thong sandals actually feels good
- The color white is no longer an option
- Speedos for security guards seem right
- You can recognize 12 different camouflage patterns
- You've given up on shoe polish
- You think the bullet holes in the roof of your trailer is just another form of ventilation
- You get upset because the post office won't ship your looted artifacts
- You haven't had water from anything other than a bottle for months on end
- You consider broken sandbags just a new beach expansion
- The idea of a double wide is only for the fortunate
- Forgetting your badge makes you feel naked...but pants are optional
- A bootleg of the new stateside release is not available at the PX 2 days later
- "Only one rocket has hit the Palace" is excellent news
- Cardboard boxes have become substantial pieces of furniture
- Stars & Stripes seems to be a liberal newspaper
- Acronyms become the acceptable language
- It feels normal to have to run outside to make a cell phone call
- You call your coworkers on a cell phone as soon as new T-shirt patterns arrive at the PX
- "Can you hear me" takes up 50% of your cellular telephone conversations
- You realize it is Saturday or Sunday because no one from DC phones
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